VOGIATSIS – The building professionals

Petros Vogiatsis

Neckarstrasse 55
71334 Waiblingen

Phone: +49 (7151) 975 09-6
Fax: +49 (7151) 975 09-77
Email: info(at)gebaeudeprofis.de

DE 171383128

All displayed texts, images and animations are property of Vogiatsis – The Building Professionals. They are subject to copyright for the protection of intellectual property and may not be copied for distribution, modified or used on other websites.

Vogiatsis – The Building Professionals is always striving for current, correct and complete information, but we do not assume any guarantee or liability for the correctness, completeness and timeliness of the information provided.

We assume no responsibility for hyperlinks on our site to other companies that do not belong to our company. The content and presentation of these sites are the sole responsibility of their operators. We expressly exclude any liability, and we also distance ourselves from all contents of the pages linked by us.

Data collection
For the evaluation of internal statistics, data is stored in so-called log files. This is exclusively data for the evaluation of website visits, in no way personal data.

Webdesign & Development
David Caspar – Webmaster & Designer

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